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tv   The Intelligence Report With Trish Regan  FOX Business  August 4, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT

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going down but we felt this told more dramatic story what is going up more, what is going down more. that is kind of that. i didn't know it would last so long. it was like a birthday gift to connell but i really have nothing to add there. happy birthday, connell. hope you have many, many more. i guess we'll have more charts tomorrow. okay, trish regan. trish: thank you very much, neil. happy birthday, connell. "the donald" dominates yet again. welcome to "the intelligence report." i'm trish regan. we have new "fox news poll," showing new high for donald trump with 26%. while hillary clinton slumps to a new low. her negatives are growing while trump is rising. despite what donald trump said about john mccain. despite what he said about mexico sending rapists to the country and despite what he said about paying less taxes as he can. donald trump isp at thatting into something. he is anti-establishment. he is anti-politician.
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and he is proud as can be of the success he has had. there is something refreshing about that. it is resonating right now with voters. we have fresh details who is ahead and who is behind from our very own blake burman. blake. >> reporter: good afternoon, trish. as you mentioned. donald trump is continuing to climb as hillary clinton has a steady drop from democrats. this is especially highlighting when you take a look at polling since each candidate announced their white house run. we put this together. take a look here. according to the "fox news poll" days after trump's mid nuon announcement, millionaire businessman is 11%. in seven weeks since that has doubled all the way up to 26%. good news for trump, number of republicans would definitely vote for him more than quadrupled to 34%. number has also been drastically slashed, looking at clinton, for
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a second. she is the reverse here. still the overwhelming democratic favorite. her numbers are headed in the wrong direction. she declared along-awaited candidacy in mid-april. days following, trish, she polled 62%. that is down 11 points, all the way down you see to 51. trump headed in one direction. hillary clinton headed in the other. trish: oh dear. blake burman, thank you so. the we talk about how much he is resonating but exactly why is resonating? who is he resonating with. he is not religious like mike huckabee. he is not tea partyer like cruz or rand paul. not the old guard like jeb bush. so which demo of voters is donald trump getting? former campaign strategist for bill clinton joins me on set along with guy benson of start with you guys. who out there is it that really likes donald trump right now? >> well, trish i think it's a
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pretty large chunk of americans who want to give a giant middle finker to washington, d.c. politicians generally. there is a lot of them. i'm not a fan of donald trump's. i've made that abundantly on the air, in my writing. i don't think he is conservative or republican but i can see with clear eyes what is going on. i'm surprised how much resonance he has been able to manage here and how high he is climbing the polls but there are a lot of americans in both parties, i would say, particularly in the conservative base who can not stand politicians, can not stand the political class, can not stand niceties and how nothing really gets done. everyone is this faux polite to each other. donald trump throws all of that out the window unapologetically. that hits people in visceral way. trish: i think you're absolutely right. and i think he has an opportunity here, hank, to tap in across party lines as well. we've just been looking at republicans right now. but when you think of a lot of blue-collar democrats right now,
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they also have seem to be indicating they like him. there is a certain magic appeal. >> ultimately this campaign will be won over eight states. that is all there is to it. the donald trump is populist on republican side. everybody on both sides of the aisle are moving are populist right or populist left. he is telling everybody in washington, state capitols, the political class, this is how you supposed to behave take a hike. americans are tired of war and tired of trouble. they want their place in the son again. trish: big question, how long does it really last? we heard governor perry talk to our own neil cavuto and has something to say about donald trump and celebrity factor. listen to this. >> i know one thing n 2007, mayor giuliani, who was a celebrity in his own right at that particular point in time, was at top of the polls, as was fred thompson, another celebrity candidate. so, i don't know whether that has anything to do with it or not but i wouldn't be surprised.
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trish: so governor perry is out there saying it is just celebrity. guy, i think it might be something more than that. >> name recognition and celebrity is a big deal. i think we're in sort of the reality television era. there is more to it and i described it in my previous answer. there is confluence of events and phenomena that are leading to donald trump being, i mean indisputably, i'm cringing but i'm going to say it, donald trump is indisputably right now the republican frontrunner. whether he has lasting power, whether he has staying power, whether he can convince voters he is actually serious and he is truly a conservative in the all the positions he is espousing now that he rejected just a few years ago, that the conversion is authentic, he has a lot of hurdles to clear. trish: guy, why do you have to cringe when you say that? the guy is right out in front. what is wrong with that? >> well, i don't think, i'm a conservative republican i don't think he is authentic conservative based on a long
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record of statements and positions he has held. many donations to hillary clinton. lavishing praise upon her. i don't think that he is ultimately a serious person who is qualified tempermentally at very least to be president of the united states. look what he is doing in the polling. look, i think tune-in factor on thursday night for the fox news debate to see how he will do, how he will comport himself and other candidates react. i think there will be a lot of non-political people who want to see that. it will be great tv. trish: he is managing expectations. we'll share some of that sound with you later, what he said about how he is preparing. he is not really much of a debater. he made that point. we'll see how he does. hank, guy. thanks very much. hank, we'll see you in a little bit. staying on the campaign trail, everyone, the jam-packed gop field faced off in new hampshire last night where former new york governor george pataki turned up the heat on gop's divided party. >> we need to win this election
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but we need to do it not by polarizing for political reasons but by uniting the american people behind good, intelligent conservative, limited government policies. trish: coming back. former governor george pataki is here with me on set for exclusive interview on his race for the white house. nice job up there in my home state, new hampshire. you and i talked about donald trump before. what are your thoughts? >> you wonder why he is doing well. that is all a the media talks about. that is all everybody talks about of course he is doing well. i tell you what we need to bring the country together. we don't need to have someone continue to divide people for personal benefit or political benefit. obama became has done that for seven years. what hillary clinton would do. when donald trump says things like mexicans are rapists or thugs i find it abhorrent. i don't find it entertaining. trish: do you think it is dividing party? >> i think it is dividing people. i agree with you, governor perry
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saying celebrity. it is more than that people are fed up with politicians that say one thing and do the other. he fed into that. he does it in a way ultimately divisive and destructive. his comments about senator mccain not being war hero are reprehensible. media loves it. trish: governor, you're a politician. do you get discouraged when you see him in the polls despite saying things that you would never dream of saying? >> trish, if it was october of next year i would be discouraged. the fact it is summer of '15, no. people love this it is entertainment. it is exciting. he says an outrageous thing and the press is all over it. republican candidate trying to get attention, burn the phone or take chainsaw to the text. that is never who i have been. i want to bring people together to solve problems. i understand frustration with washington and politicians. i share it very much. that's why i'm running. trish: we were talking about you earlier on the program today here on fox business.
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you were referred to as a class act. nice way to be referred to i would say but given -- >> i would take it over the alternatives. trish: what you're seeing there with trump, how would you describe him. >> flamboyant, different vice sy ultimately destructive after intelligent political dialogue. saying things like he has said, find it really, really troubling. i have four grandparents who were i am any grants. -- immigrants. think came from parts of the world where a lot of americans discriminate and stereotype them. i'm for closing border. we have to make sure people come here legally. to call mexicans rapists and thugs is not just hot political rhetoric, it is destrict tiff. deinstructive to the republican party. we need latinos to work with us and help us.
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but he isn't offering solutions we need. trish: let me share with you some comment he made about how he is preparing for the debate. listen to this, governor. well, i will paraphrase what he said. apparently we don't have those comments. donald trump said, look, you know i'm not really preparing per se, for the debate. here you go. you can listen now. >> as far as preparing for the debates, i am who i am. i don't know. i have never debated before. i'm not a debater. i get things done. whether it is this or whatever, i build, i create jobs. trish: he went on to say, these politicians, all they do is debate. they debate every day, day in, day out. they don't get anything done. how are you preparing for debates? >> i really haven't done anything to study or anything because i've been involved in government and i followed the issues. i have traveled the world. met with global leaders. i feel i understand the issues. basically just looking people in the eye. telling them what you believe and understanding that at the
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end of the day the americans want solutions and not rhetoric. that is what i did in new york. i did it as a conservative republican with three million more democrats for 12 years. if i have the opportunity to lead the country i will bring this country back together. we're all americans. when we stand together we can accomplish anything with the right leadership. trish: governor, do you ever get nervous? >> rarely. trish: really? yeah. certainly not with you. you're very friendly. you're from new hampshire. how could you get nervous. trish: thank you. take that compliment. governor pataki thanks for joining me. >> thank you. trish: we have breaking news we want to get to. senator rand paul is issuing an amendment to stop sanctuary cities to stop harboring illegal criminal aliens. it would require state and local law enforcement to notify u.s. immigration and customs enforcement following arrest of an illegal immigrant and detain an illegal immigrant. we're watching california wildfires.
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the largest wildfire growing worse at this moment. this fire has destroyed 24 homes and threatening 6,000 more. more than six thousand residents have been forced to evacuate. there are two dozen firefighters burning across the state. our claudia cowan is in lakeport, california, north of san francisco. claudia, what is the latest on the ground? >> reporter: this is the rocky fire here in lakeport, tricia. it is dynamic and burning out of control for a sixth day. at 65,000-acres it burned an area about the same size as sacramento and it is 12% contained. flames jump ad critical firebreak. these pictures were taken along highway 20, a main artery through town that fire crews was using as containment line. as we see every single day, hot winds kicked up at 1:00, and fire burned through the canyon
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and fueled by dry brush and chaparral. it gain ad 32-acre foothold on north side of the highway. putting more homes on the fire's path, prompting more evacuations. fire officials expect more extreme fire activity today. >> warm temperatures, low relative humidities, fuel moistures are extremely critical. they're very, very low. get alignment of slow and aspect and get an ignition source and all those things come together like a perfect storm and the fire takes off on you. >> reporter: that's what we have here. >> that's what we have here. >> reporter: meantime there are 20 other active fires burning up and down the state. conditions in california just as bone dry as they can be here in the fourth year of drought but the rocky fire is the biggest fire burning in california right now. it is the state's top fire priority and that's because it is threatening the most homes. you mentioned 13,000 residents, more than 13,000 residents are
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under some kind of evacuation order and governor declared a state of emergency because of all fires. trish, thank you very much. trish: claudia cowan in california. coming up, a well-known feminist compares bill clinton to bill cosby and hillary is the enabler that threw woman of a woman under the bus for her husband s this why hillary is losing support among women? can you no longer speak freely on college campuses? a texas christian university student was essentially muzzled after tweeting out what the school says were inflammatory remarks. we'll talk to the student to find out what his rights really are. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic, why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom?
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neil: oil getting ready to
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settle out the day 45 bucks a barrel. oil's tumble is what is behind nearly three straight weeks of falling gas prices which is good news to all of us consumers. eric bolling, former commodities trader, co-host of "the five" on fox news. always good to see you. talking a little oil given your perspective and background in this market. walk me through whether or not this will hold. we saw a little bit of a bounce today. >> very little. very little. trish: we'll be stuck in 45 range? >> can i call it what the trading floor we called it? dead-cat bounce. massive selloff is continuing. oil, energy markets in general are very volatile. they tend to be we call them widowmakers. twice come in there. traders come in with whole pile of money. whole bunch ideas. next thing they're low, buying a new low and selling lower. trying it again. keeps going lower and lower. i've been watching oil market for the better part of 20 years.
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i will tell you of the weakest oil markets i've ever seen. trying to step up to buy oil stocks or oil futures or etfss with oil associated with them is dangerous game. trish, here is what happens. everyone thought $50 would be a bottom. remember $80, $70? everyone said no way it can go below 50 bucks. right now the front month for oil is trading $45 a barrel. everyone that bought before the $50 price are throwing all their position out window and selling into it. they will try at 45, 43. this is type of market that can go to $35 a barrel. trish: i think this is benefit for consumer. longer they're in the situation paying less at the gas pump, the better. however a lot of people point out you have reduction in overall capital spending because these companies, we've seen this wonderful energy renaissance that happened in the united states, they're not going to spend as much. they will start laying off.
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they say it sort of negates lower price. >> they are right. this is real tough on oil industry. $45 a barrel is very difficult. they plan five years out. they planned $70 for oil five years in advance. they do. they scale back on cap-ex spending. they scale back on drilling. rig counts go down. they lay off people. it is bad for oil industry but good for every other industry. think when oil and gasoline prices were spiking. fuel surcharge on deliveries. airline ticket, fuel surcharge. there was fuel surcharge on produce coming across the country. all those things they blamed on high fuel prices have huge, massive wind behind the sales. cost to produce all those goods are going down. eventually it will trickle into the prices that customers pay. we're spenders. americans are spenders. we will spend all that money. it is delay though. trish: greatest thing about- >> going on stuart varney show, they were supposed to spend.
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bolling you promised they were going to spend. they dos but they have to believe the price first. they have to used to get to 2.50. trish: they know what it used to be five buck. >> $1,000 extra in your pocket, sometimes more. if you add in lower fuel costs for electricity and heating. trish: we need spending. eric apology thanks very much. for making it easy. breaking news we have coming in i want to get to. house foreign affairs committee ed royce unveiled what is the formal legislation which could be used to formally disapprove of the iran deal. so, again, relates back to what you and i were talking about, oil, the expectation, you could see more oil coming on to the market in iran. but that disapproval is coming from capitol hill. meanwhile i want to turn to puerto rico which is another big story we're following creating the biggest municipal default in u.s. history. how do you like that?
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the governor is gone in colorado. sort of on vacation. the government is in default after paying only 62thousand of 258 million-dollar debt. why bother with the 600,000? fox business's adam shapiro is in san juan. how are they handling the default right now? how are they handling it? >> reporter: people in puerto rico, business as usual. the party goes on at resorts. life is difficult for a lot of people especially when you get away from the coast. unemployment is very high. they're in 10th year of recession which crippled economist. hundreds of thousands of people have left. we spoke to a member of the puerto rican house of representatives, they do intend to pay the debts. they just won't pay all of them. but his exact words were, we'll not weasel out. they want to restructure. they will pay the debts, not all of them. we spoke with a respected lawyer, a man named john mudd, a expert here in puerto rico in
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federal law and common law. the government he says is not only misleading its own people and misleading investors. they have the money to make the payments. they don't want to lose their own political jobs. listen to what he told me. >> if you look at budget, there is $20 billion in the budget. there is money. government decided better to keep employees in the government and not fire anybody so they can be reelected. >> reporter: so in the words of mr. mudd, better to keep people on the public payroll, to save your own neck than to take the steps you need to take to keep the solvency of the commonwealth intact. back to you, trish. trish: adam shapiro, thank you very, very much. hillary clinton facing an uphill battle, everyone as she slips in the polls. women, women are who she needs right now. you know what? they're not rallying to their side the way you might think. what is going on there? we'll talk about it. plus are college campuses ignoring the first amendment?
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a texas christian university student is in big trouble tweeting out quote, islam is not religion of peace. he is fighting back. he joins the intelligence report coming up. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul?
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can a business be...alive?
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trish: all right. the donald is leading with a double-digit lead in the latest fox news poll with former governor jeb bush in second place. but "the new york times" is reporting bush's team sees donald trump as, quote, a godsend is, since he's freezing out all the other con contenders from breaking out. joining me now, the chairman of points of light, a nonprofit devote today community service, also the brother of the presidential candidate, jeb bush. neil, wonderful to see you. i've got some political questions, but that's going to hold for just a minute. i want to talk to you, first, about your charity. tell us about points of light and how you are working to mobilize volunteers. >> points of light was formed 25
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years ago by my father when he was president of the united states. and he recognized that government can't solve all of our problems. and so he used the bully pulpit of the presidency to call on all americans to find a way to serve others. and back then, 25 years ago, 35 million americans volunteered. today over 65 million americans are serving. and i'm really excited about the various trends in service including the trends among youth who are finding interesting new ways to engage and to start exciting programs and to become involved in their communities. corporations are becoming a lot more participatory. there's a growing understanding that if you develop a culture of service within your company, that you're going to be able to attract and retain better employees going forward, that it lefts the morale -- lifts the morale and helps the company overall with the bottom line. there's a great movement in our
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country that needs to continue to prosper. if we plan to deal with the most intractable problems that face our country today, and i'm really proud to kind of carry on dad's legacy in this way. this is not a partisan thing, this is one thing that brings our country together and unites us, service to others, helping lift individuals, help strengthening families and build community is something we can all be involved with. trish: well, you know, you point out it really helps to strengthen morale. we see a lot of corporations really embracing this because of it. i'm being told i just have a couple minutes so let me quickly ask you about your brother and the new york times report. how do you view donald trump right now in all of this? >> well, first of all, just as a disclaimer, i'm a very low-key member of a political family -- [laughter] i'm not the political guru in the bush family, and i guess i think governor pataki's comments about donald trump probably reflect the largest majority position about his current
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standing and what is in his statements that he's been most publicly acclaimed for. the reality is this is a long campaign, and i'm extremely proud of my brother, jeb. not only for his previous service, if you look at his record as governor of florida, he did an extraordinary job of lowering, reducing government, reducing taxes, increasing the economic development in that great state, changing education for the better. he's worked through various crises related to hurricanes, etc., etc. but i'm excited about his optimistic, upbeat vision about bringing our country together for realizing a great future, a great tomorrow. i love his optimistic -- and he's very -- trish: has he always been like that, neil? since you guys were kids, was he an optimist? >> i'm not sure i would characterize him as always being optimistic, i think he's seizing this moment in our country's great history to show people, to
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lead people towards this wonderful promise. my brother's always been very studious and detail-oriented and focused on issues. he is a guru when it comes to, you know, diving deeply into these issues that he cares about. but he's, i just love his message about the right to rise, about liberating everyone so that they can realize their god-given potential to be productive in this great country of ours and, thus, lifting the entire country to be more competitive globally. but there's some big challenges. he's addressing those, and kind of excited about the debates coming up. it's going to be fun to watch. [laughter] trish: do you ever get nervous for him? >> i get nervous every time there's a public forum like a debate where people are going after each other. [laughter] trish: i'm probably going to be nervous too watching, and i'm not even related to them. >> i would be nervous, i can assure you that, so that's why i'm not going to be. trish: neil, wonderful to have you here.
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great to see you. congratulations on all the tremendous work you're doing with the foundation. >> and thank you for your support of service and volunteers and promoting it. you did a great job as emcee of the jefferson awards banquet where we celebrated awards of service. you're terrific. >> including your daughter. maybe i shouldn't give this away, but neil really is one proud father. his daughter, lauren, got up to speak. she got an award, and there were tears in your eyes. it was a wonderful moment. neil bush, thank you so much. >> thank you. trish: all right. after the break, everyone, hillary clinton, if she can't court the female voters, what shot does she have at winning the white house? we're talking about that right after this. ♪ ♪ do you want to know how hard it can be to breathe with copd? it can feel like this.
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trish: news today that hillary clinton is suffering among a demographic she desperately needs if she hopes to win this election. women. white female support for her has dropped double digits just in a single month. in fact, the noted feminist, camille baggily ya, may be offering an explanation. in a recent interview with, she compares bill clinton to bill cosby saying, and i quote: the actual facts of the matter are that bill clinton was a serial abuser of working class women. he had exploited that power differential even in arkansas. the horrible truth is that the feminist establishment in the u.s. led by gloria steinem did apply a double standard to bill clinton's behavior because he
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was a democrat and supported abortion rights and, therefore, it didn't matter what his personal behavior was. camille goes on to say, quote: hillary has a lot to answer for because she took an antagonistic and demeaning position towards her husband's accusers. a former bill clinton campaign strategist, hank shrinekaft is here with me. she to do by her man, is this going to come back to haunt her. >> >> look, people may have some clinton fatigue. they've been on the national stage for four decades. i think camille's a great scholar. it's a little bit too much. you can't compare bill clinton to bill cosby, there's nobody drugging women and trying to rape them -- trish: but should we be talking about abuse of power? >> abuse of power is something we have legislation for in states, it's called sexual harassment -- welcome back trish do you think it's fair to bring up the past, bring up monica lewinsky?
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>> there is no past tense, future tense, there's only the present tense. whatever could happen isn't the moment as well. trish: it's disinteresting you say that -- interesting you say that, because not everyone agrees. let me share the huffington post reaction to lindsey graham last night in new hampshire. here's what senator graham said: >> as to the clintons, i've been dealing with this crowd for 20 years. i'm fluent in clinton speak. you want me to translate, jack? when he says, bill says i didn't have sex with that woman, he did. and when she tells us, trust me, you've got all the e-mails that you need, we haven't even scratched the surface. trish trish so the huffington post, everyone, is absolutely outrage ld. they wrote a piece titled, yeah, he went there. and they went on to say in trying to attack democratic presidential front runner hillary clinton's credibility, senator graham struck a low blow on monday. i don't know if that's a low blow. i mean, to me, this is absolutely, positively fair game.
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>> well, it may be, but let's call politics what it is. if you want to get into the game and you're amongst 16 or 20 or however many republicans there are running for president, you go after the biggest shark in the tank, that's hillary clinton. you beat her up to show you're the guy who can do it. he's trying to stand out in a crowded field. trish: why is hillary clinton suffering right now? a lot of young women don't buy into this whole glass ceiling, and we've got to elect a woman just because she's a woman, and she does believe that these demons of monica lewinsky will come back to haunt her. why do you think -- >> she may believe anything she wants, but let's see what the polling data really looks like among white group of women -- trish: white female voters right now -- >> how old? trish: they hold a favorable view, 34% was the latest that we've seen, previously it was 44% in june. be. >> at what age group? because we know older voters
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have a higher propepsty to turn out -- propensity to turn out. is there a problem? yes, there is. can it be cured, is the issue. the job of consultant is to cure the problem. can it be cured? it can. trish: if you were consulting just for the democratic party, would you advise to maybe find a new candidate? >> no. what i would advise them to do is take a breath and figure out how to solve the problem. if it's injuring hillary clinton, it's going to injure other democrats. trish: hank, always good to see you. thank you so much. a conservative student gets suspended from texas christian university, everyone, after tweeting out insulting comments about isis and mexicans. first amendment? does no one reply on college campuses? apparently not. he joins me next. ♪ ♪ but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on
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company reports third quarter earnings, analysts are anticipating positive gains thanks to growth in its movie studio business and network programming. we're going to be right back, and we're going to talk to a student who was put on suspension by his school for tweeting out some anti-muslim comments. ♪ ♪ technology empowers us to achieve more.
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it pushes us to go further. special olympics has almost five million athletes in 170 countries. the microsoft cloud allows us to immediately be able to access information, wherever we are. information for an athlete's medical care, or information to track their personal best. with microsoft cloud, we save millions of man hours, and that's time that we can invest in our athletes and changing the world. trish: okay. breaking news coming to us right
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now from capitol hill where lawmakers are beginning the process of formally disapproving of the nuclear deal with iran. mitch mcconnell just announcing his chamber will likely vote on striking down the deal. moments ago in the house we had congressman ed royce introducing formal legislation disapproving of the deal. all right. the first amendment, it's our constitutional right. it's what empowers us to say whatever we want. but, apparently, constitutional rights don't apply at some universities, including texas christian university. student harry vincent was put on probation and effectively muzzled after posting a series of comments on social media criticizing isis. the baltimore riders and mexicans. joining us now is student harry vincent. harry, welcome. >> thank you for having me, trisha. i want to first start and let our viewers know exactly what you did here. i believe this was on your twitter account? that you criticized residents of
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baltimore, you called them criminals that need to be shipped off and exiled to the sahara -- >> yes, ma'am. trish trish maybe then they'll realize how much we provide for them in welfare, college tuition, medicare. you also wrote about islam saying it's not a religion of peace, and you referred to mexicans using a derogatory term. you know, obviously, none of this is good, but did you think you'd wind up in the trouble you're in right now over these tweets? >> absolutely not. you know, i tweeted these things on my own personal social media account, and, you know, i thought that tcu -- i wouldn't have thought in a million years that tcu would punish me the way they have for expressing my first amendment right. trish: harry -- [inaudible] >> i was suspended by dean gloria robinson. pretty much that means that i can go to tcu solely for academic purposes, meaning i
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can't go to football games, can't use the rec center in order to work in a group of partners i would have to get her permission first if there was, you know, a group project in the classroom. i wouldn't be allowed to live in the residence halls, and she went as far to say as if i were to step foot in the residence hall, i would be considered a trespasser on tcu's property. trish: what are you going to do about it, harry? >> right now i'm talking with a legal team, and we're deciding on, you know, what the next steps are going to be. we haven't yet decided on a course of action to take. trish: harry vincent, thank you so much for joining me today. i want to continue this conversation about what's happening on college campuses when it comes to the first amendment, and for that i'm joined right now by our senior judicial analyst, judge napolitano. judge, always good to see you. >> likewise, trish. trish: what's your take on this particular situation? >> well, the first few words of
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the first amendment provide the answer; congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech. the first amendment only protects us from government interference with speech, it doesn't generally -- i'll give you the exceptions -- protect us from private interference with speech. so you and i could be disciplined by our bosses here for something that we say on air that they prefer we not say, because in their view our words harm the product whereas we could say those things on a street corner, just as this young man could say on a street corner what he said in his twitter and in his social media. here's the interesting issue: i don't know if tcu receives federal education grants. because if it does receive money from the federal government, that money has strings. and ordinarily those strings provide for freedom of speech, freedom of expression, thereby imposing on a private institution -- this christian
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school that he attends -- the same level of respect for human freedom that would be on a public institution. so, for example, if this were rutgers university owned by the state of new jersey, he absolutely, positively could not be punished in any way for his speech, because the state of new jersey has the same burden that the first amendment imposes on the congress. but because this is a private school, unless there are strings attached in the receipt of those federal funds, they can do it. trish: scholarships, a lot of kids that go to these private schools are getting some form of federal aid. >> well, it's interesting, the level of punishment that he got which permits him to take classes but not to do everything else, it's actually a little bit more difficult for him even though his day is going to be miserable, he can't say hello to this person, he can't go to this cafeteria, he can go to classes and take the classes and take exams and writer papers, can he use the library, other facilities? it's very interesting. i would suggest that his lawyers
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do sue. i would suggest they sue in federal court, not in state court, and let a federal judge look at the strings that are attached to the money that goes to the school and decide whether or not they can interfere with his free come of -- freedom of speech and to what extent. trish: judge, always good to see you. we're going to be back with more. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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trish: all right. we've got twitter shares bouncing back after hitting their lowest point since the social media site's ipo. shares plunged more than 5.5% yesterday, dropping around $30 a share. the drop pushes twitter below the $20 billion market cap, god forbid. this comes as twitter is on the hunt for a new ceo to replace dick costolo. liz claman joins me now and,
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liz, we are hearing rumors -- i'll just say rumors -- about sheryl sandberg. i've got to say, who would want that job as ceo of twitter? especially given all the great stuff she's doing at facebook? liz: well, somebody would want it who really wants to be in charge, a turn-around expert, because they're already talking about the fact that they need sort of a refresh or a turn around. but this is a company that has lost half of its stock value since the start of 2014. so what are we talking about? we're looking at a company that really requires a big thinker who's high-tech and forward thinking in his or her focus. sheryl sandberg's a rock star out there. i doubt she would want this kind of gig though. that came from a report that was out on the internet, but there are reports of all kinds of things, that google would buy it, even amazon might buy it. who knows, trish? this is a company that was so hot, right? trish: they got the goldman sachs banker to go over there, remember that? to help things out, but he's not helping so much, liz. les les i'll tell you what he isn't going to do, he isn't
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going to be the ceo. they've made that pretty clear. and as they sit there and wait with jack dorsey who is the interim ceo and one of the founders, very smart guy, he's busy. he's trying to bring his other company, square -- the mobile payments little thing -- he's trying to bring that public. so who's going to get this gig, or will they just outright sell it? i know charlie gasparino and i would argue there was a fumble here, and that was previous management. dick costolo did not do what was truly necessary. he got the nod because -- trish: we are going to see you at the top of the hour, but i've got some breaking news i want to get to right now. we've got local reports coming in to us right now of shots being fired in the area of camp shelby in mississippi. again, these are local reports, they allegedly came from a pickup truck there. two suspects were allegedly firing shots at a group of soldiers at the camp shelby joint forces training center there in mississippi.
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wdam is reporting two suspects allegedly fired these shots, two white males, at this group of soldiers that were at the training center. perry county deputies have confirmed that the shots were fired now at 12:10 p.m., ten minutes past noon today, on this group of soldiers that were training in the area. and according to the perry county sheriff, there are said to be no injuries reported, so that's important, no injuries according to the county sheriff. but officers are searching for a two-door red pickup with broken arrow written across the top. so, again, we're getting reports right now that some shots have been fired there at camp shelby at the joint forces training center. we're going to take a quick break, and we're back with more right after this.
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♪ trish: two suspects right now are at large after reportedly firing shots at a group of soldiers at camp shelby in
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mississippi. wdam, the affiliate there, is reporting two suspects allegedly fired shots at a group of soldiers at a joint forces training center. they're said to have been active duty soldiers from texas and northern mississippi there on site. we'll continue following this story for you. in the meantime, over to liz claman. liz: thank you very much, and, trish, they're looking for a redford ranger, it's a two-door pickup with a broken arrow logo on it. no injuries in this shooting in camp shelby which is in mississippi. we'll get you more in a second. breaking news, the house of representatives just moments ago introduced legislation which could be used to formally grant an up or down vote to congress on president obama's iran nuclear deal. house foreign affairs committee chairman ed royce, the republican from california, just introduced the bill 22 minutes ago. it could be voted upon in september. this as oil settles below $46 a


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